
EURIST is initiating projects in the field of sustainable transport. Steps from project idea to „cutting the red tape“ are generally based on a comprehensive stakeholder involvement throughout the project’s phases – and the definition of the project’s purpose, primary and secondary goals, timeframe and timeline of when goals are expected to be met. The project Initiation phase is also used to determine the project’s viability prior to committing the required staff, materials, and finances to the project.
EURIST has initiated projects in the field of road safety, non-motorised transport, public transport transport, awareness raising, knockledge ecxchange and data collection – both in rural and urban environment and with a focus on sub-saharan Africa.

For more information please contact:
Dr. Jürgen Perschon,

Ropeway Workshop Izmir


The cooperation between EURIST and the city of Izmir resulted in a request from the town councilors to present the ropeway theme in a workshop – and, if necessary, to integrate it into the city’s future transport planning as an urban means of transport.

In addition, potential corridors for pilot projects were discussed in group work phases. Participants of the workshop were composed of important stakeholders in the transport sector of the city which were invited in cooperation between EURIST and the city of Izmir. The aim of the event was to make this group of participants a task force that develops and pursues more concrete steps regarding a feasibility study and other activities.

Lectures on Sustainable Mobility

Lecture Examples

EURIST is actively involved in shaping transport policies and projects globally. Our experts are frequently invited to present lectures at renowned universities, including:

• Technical University of Munich
• Tsinghua University Beijing
• TU Dresden
• TU Berlin
• TU Hamburg-Harburg

The aim is to influence educational approaches and curricula in sustainable transport worldwide, fostering knowledge exchange between industrialized, transitioning, and developing regions.

Lecture Highlights

•    TUHH Lectures (Since 2010): Biweekly lectures on transport planning focused on megacities, especially in the Global South.

    •    EU Policies in Transport (2017): EURIST presented EU policies on clean and intelligent mobility during the Mobility Week in Nikosia, Cyprus.


Research & Consulting

EURIST specializes in researching best practices and policies in transport, covering topics like:
    •    Parking
    •    Travel Demand Management
    •    Freight
    •    Public Transport
    •    Non-motorized Transport
    •    Road Safety
    •    Land Use Planning
We provide advice on transport sustainability issues and focus on enhancing education in sustainable transport.

Recent Research Examples

Pedelec Emissions Study (2022)

EURIST studied the potential of pedelecs to reduce CO2e emissions in Uganda by replacing motor vehicles like cars and boda-bodas. The carbon footprint of a single pedelec is estimated at 2.5 to 2.9 tonnes CO2e.

Project Curriculum Jugendmobilität (JUMO) (2017-2019)

This project aimed to improve the understanding of sustainable mobility among German youth (ages 15-18) through six short documentary films covering various topics such as cycling, public transport, and integrated mobility.

Student Projects and Support

EURIST offers supervision and support for national and international students interested in sustainable transport research. Our extensive network provides excellent opportunities for project guidance.


Study Tours

EURIST organizes study tours that allow students and decision-makers to engage with real-life sustainable mobility practices. These tours expand individuals’ mobility options and facilitate access to essential services.

International Collaborations

    •    Iraq Delegations (2015-2021): EURIST developed a partnership with the University of Dohuk, facilitating study tours focused on transport issues.

    •    Study Tour to Algeria (2014): A high-level delegation from Uganda visited Algeria to explore ropeway systems, leading to a feasibility study supported by municipal funding.



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