
Dar es Salaam – Electric Bicycles for Medical Deliveries

On November 23, 2024, a pilot project was launched in Dar es Salaam to introduce e-bikes for urban deliveries. The cycling cooperative FASTA is using pedal-assist electric bicycles to efficiently and sustainably transport packages, including medical deliveries for the Aga Khan Hospital.
EURIST’s Key Role in the Project

June 18, 2024 Project SOLUTIONSPlus

Latest preliminary study by Project SOLUTIONSPlus
Read the latest preliminary study by Project SOLUTIONSPlus on the use of electric bicycles for urban deliveries in Dar es Salaam! …

2022 – 2023 Solutions+ Project

EURIST, as part of the International Association of Public Transport (UITP) commission, took part in the EU Solutionsplus Project. The project aimed to demonstrate global e-mobility solutions at the city level. 

2023 Training in Zambia

2023 Training in Zambia

Last year we worked with the Fountain Gate Crafts & Trades School (FGCATS) to focus on training renewable energy and electric mobility professionals in Zambia. One of the main objectives was to promote electric bicycles specifically for use in rural areas of Africa.

2022 AfricroozE Cooperation with KfW

KfW has provided significant support for the development of AfricroozE, financing the creation of our e-bike as well as the first 80 units for Jinja, Uganda.

Delegationsbesuche aus dem Irak

Out of our long lasting cooperation and partnership with Dr. Hasan Sinemillioglu from the Dortmund University of Technology, we could finally develop a partnership with the University of Dohuk in northern Irak.

2021 – 2023 MoMo Project Uganda

The youth group exchange project ‚Motivation Mobility – The Role of Mobility in Achieving Livable Cities (MoMo)‘, funded by the weltwärts program, took place over a period of two years between 01.09.2021 and 31.08.2023.

2017 Ropeway Workshop Izmir

The cooperation between EURIST and the city of Izmir resulted in a request from the town councilors to present the ropeway theme in a workshop – and, if necessary, to integrate it into the city’s future transport planning as an urban means of transport.
In addition to a general introduction to Sustainable Urban Mobility, EURIST used a brief study to analyze key issues and the current situation of the city’s transport sector with key transport stakeholders and explained the potential of urban cable cars.

In addition, potential corridors for pilot projects were discussed in group work phases.
Participants of the workshop were composed of important stakeholders in the transport sector of the city which were invited in cooperation between EURIST and the city of Izmir. The aim of the event was to make this group of participants a task force that develops and pursues more concrete steps regarding a feasibility study and other activities.

For the project report please check in our publications or open it directly from here.

Project Curriculum Jugendmobilität

The project aims to improve the guiding principles and knowledge of German young people with regard to the topic of „sustainable mobility“. The focus is on the acquisition

2014 Study Tour Algeria

To showcase African Best Practice a study tour was organized for a high level delegation from Uganda, including the Executive Director of Kampala Capital city Authority (KCCA) to the ropeways systems in Algeria (Algiers and Constantine). One result of the study tour was the allocation of municipal funds for a feasibility study, carried out through an experienced Canadian Consultancy from late 2014

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