
Being a sustainable transport NGO, promoting the use of bicycles and engaging in such projects is part ofEURIST’s fundamental aspects. Furthermore, combining bicycles with green energy is a great chance to develop e-bikes that can replace motorcycles as popular transport vehicles with high CO2 emissions.

Therefore, EURIST is proud to work in close cooperation with AfricroozE – a social company with focus on promoting e-mobility in Africa.

AfricroozE e-bikes are developed especially for the African continent, meeting special requirements such as

  • low price
  • particularly robust components
  • high payload capacity of 100 kg
  • speed up to 30 km/h
  • high range
  • battery charging with solar energy
  • spare parts available locally
  • a design preferred in Africa based on motorcycles
AfricroozE works on promoting these e-bikes in different African countries such as Uganda and, in addition, develops an e-mobility infrastructure there. EURIST supports AfricroozE with knowledge, an expert network and donations. E-bikes are not affordable for everyone in Africa – if you would like to contribute and support this project, please send us your donation.

For more information please visit


In summary, cities have to limit their spatial growth to aminimum and create more density. On this basis, efficient mass transport with its huge capacities may be capable of responding to the accelerated growth. In addition, cities need better and safer conditions for walking, cycling and the transport sector needs to be more formalised.

Urban ropeways systems have already begun to make an important contribution to this absolutely necessary managment of urban growth. In many Latin American cities they have started forming a part of the urban transport systems. Africa is only a step behind. In Algeria, for instance, ropeways have had a long history and have developed to be highly efficient feeder systems to mass transit modes. In-sub-Saharan Africa, several cities are planning or even building ropeway systems.

Ropeways have shown huge potential, however, they are still largly unknown and unconsidered by most urban planners and transport-strategiests. Eurist has become aware of this potential and has disussed it in various papers, conference contributions, publications and articles, in order to raise awarness for this transport mode and start a scientific backstopping activity which is urgently needed in order to enhance this potential.

Furthermore, Eurist is conducting case and feasability studies in different regions.

Since 2015

Case study with Kampala City Authtority (KCCA)

In 2022 and 2023, there were further high-level meetings with representives of the city of Kampala to resume the plannig for the first cable car corridor, which has been in place since 2015 and has become a priority since the KCCA took over the managment of the city in order to implement a public transport system.

In particular , EURIST representive Patrick Keyemba is leading the communication and discussions with the KCCA – in close coordination with Jürgen. Patrick accepted an invitation from the presdidental level.

By presidantial decree, it it intended that EURIST will receive a mandate from the KCCA in 2023 to support the city qith cable ca plans, including structuring the existing but outdated feasibility study and financing the necessary steps for the detailed design.

Exchange programs

April 2024 – September 2024  ASA program

Starting in April, EURIST and EBIKES4AFRICA  in Namibia  will be part of the ASA programme and will host two Namibian and two German students who will work together to develop a concept for the introduction of e-bikes in Namibia. The students will be in Germany for 3 months and then continue the project in Namibia for another 3 months.

The ASA Programme, facilitated by Engagement Global ASA, is a development policy initiative that provides learning and engagement opportunities for young people. It focuses on learning together for participation and responsible social action for sustainable development. It is implemented by Engagement Global gGmbH on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and several German states, and operates independently and on a non-profit basis.

Since February 2024 weltwärts program

Another global exchange program provided by Engagement Global is the weltwärts-initiative. Interested people can apply for voluntary work in foreign countries to gain living and working experience  abroad. At the same time, organisations profit from valuable support and new perspectives. 

Since February, a student from Uganda volunteers at EURIST, staying in Germany for one year. It is very helpful to get his insights and perspectives on important topics throughout the daily business. EURIST has already been supported by weltwärts students in the past and is looking forward to another interesting year with an exchange student.
For more informations please visit:

Former projects

June 18, 2024

Latest preliminary study by Project SOLUTIONSPlus

Read the latest preliminary study by Project SOLUTIONSPlus on the use of electric bicycles for urban deliveries in Dar es Salaam!

The report “Project SOLUTIONSPlus – Integration of urban electric mobility solutions in the context of the Paris Agreement, the Sustainable Development Goals and the new urban agenda” shows how the transition from conventional motorcycles to electric bicycles can revolutionize urban logistics. Benefit from valuable insights and in-depth analyses to make urban mobility more sustainable. Read now and discover pioneering solutions!

> Read the complete report

2023 Training in Zambia

Last year we worked with the Fountain Gate Crafts & Trades School (FGCATS) to focus on training renewable energy and electric mobility professionals in Zambia. One of the main objectives was to promote electric bicycles specifically for use in rural areas of Africa. For the training, EURIST developed a curriculum with theoretical and practical training modules and conducted an online workshop and on-site training at FGCATS in Zambia. The on-site training was conducted by Rumbi Ebbefeld from EURIST and Brian Nkuutu from FABIO from 15 to 23 May. The training was also used to further network within the industry in Zambia with a view to future potential collaborations in Zambia.

2022 – 2023 Solutions+ Project

EURIST, as part of the International Association of Public Transport (UITP) commission, took part in the EU Solutionsplus Project. The project aimed to demonstrate global e-mobility solutions at the city level.  EURIST is committed to delivering 16 AfricroozE’s in CKD condition to Dar es Salaam, along with 5 extra swapping batteries, following a training workshop.

FASTA received 14 e-bikes for parcel deliveries to enhance collaboration with the Aga Khan Hospital for medical supplies, while DIT utilized the remaining two for research.  During the test phase, data was collected from January to July 2023 to analyze e-bike usage and performance, including trips, distances traveled, and income variations among drivers. Drivers‘ feedback after the project indicated successful adoption of e-bikes, resulting in improved delivery services despite challenges with spare parts, batteries, and safety.

2022 AfricroozE Cooperation with KfW

KfW has provided significant support for the development of AfricroozE, financing the creation of our e-bike as well as the first 80 units for Jinja, Uganda.

The rollout was successful on 11 March 2022, and after six months of use, we have obtained the first results.

The project focused on the use of e-bikes in various areas, including 45 e-bike taxis, 5 delivery e-bikes, 10 tourist e-bikes, 10 e-bike ambulances, and 10 water e-bikes. The e-taxis have doubled the number of daily trips, allowing drivers to earn significantly more, from 5,000-10,000 UGX (1,28$-2,56$) to 10,000-20,000 UGX  (2,56-5,12$) per day.

Additionally, they have been used for deliveries to hotels and restaurants, improving employee satisfaction and performance, and expanding their delivery areas by approximately 5 km.

E-bike ambulances were used in the health sector to reach people in remote areas and assist Village Health Teams (VHT) in their work, particularly in government-mandated awareness campaigns. Women’s groups also utilised e-bikes to access clean water and increase household income.

Although the project achieved success, it faced several challenges such as delays, import regulations, technical issues, lack of spare parts, and insufficient maintenance by users. To ensure a sustainable market introduction of e-bikes, it is crucial to improve spare parts availability, quality assurance, and continue raising awareness among the population.

The project has improved living conditions in Uganda and enabled the establishment of AfricroozE GmbH, a company promoting the spread of e-bikes in Africa.

2021 – 2023 MoMo Project Uganda

The youth group exchange project ‚Motivation Mobility – The Role of Mobility in Achieving Livable Cities (MoMo)‘, funded by the weltwärts program, took place over a period of two years between 01.09.2021 and 31.08.2023. The aim was to educate 20 young people about the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), with a particular focus on SDG 11 – Sustainable Cities and Communities. Two visits took place: in April 2022, the Ugandan group visited Germany and in April 2023, the German group flew to Uganda. In the meantime, online workshops were held via Zoom. The project dealt intensively with the conditions of life and mobility in Uganda and Germany. The overall aim was to raise awareness and bring about positive changes through intercultural cooperation.